Prompt: To create alphabets made of ubiquitous materials. 
During Spring 2021, I was trapped in a University dorm room as someone I knew tested positive. I wish they had let me stay in my own dorm but they said the risk was too high. Since most of my classes were online, I did not have to worry about missing anything major. For my Graphic Design class I had to create an alphabet book with alphabets made of any material. I had limited resources in the room.  3 times a day, someone would deliver me food. In my possession, I had 2 water bottle every meal, lots of packets of ketchup, mayo, salt, pepper and the food itself that looked really unappetizing most of the times. My first attempt was to use the ketchup to create alphabet. The result was a cliche fake blood effect alphabet that my classmates and professor absolutely hated. 
I have a habit of collapsing bottles after finishing the water. So I figured it would be interesting to make alphabets out of it. I started with W and S as those are the hardest alphabets to get right. It worked!!!
Final Product:
This book contains 18 full page Alphabet that had the best form in my opinion and a center spread for all the 26 alphabets
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